Monday, March 2, 2009

The Pre-Spring Period

Well gang, game-fish season is closed. I hope you caught a big one this weekend.

With inland waters closed to game-fish until the first Saturday in May, its time to take a minute to review your fishing options.

Local Lakes: You may continue to fish local lakes for panfish. This can be quite productive during the late ice, early open water season. Crappie generate the lion share of the attention, especially when they move into the shallow bays right after the ice comes off the lake.

Rivers: Many rivers in wisconsin have open seasons on gamefish all season. Walleye is the most commonly targeted species, but whitebass and catfish can be caught during their runs. The river areas below Dams are the areas where people tend to congregate. I like the Jefferson/Ft Atikinson area of the Rock River, but the Wisconsin River Dams in the Dells, at the Castle Rock and Petenwell Flowages, the Fox and Wolf Rivers in the Fox Valley all produce. Depere is an annual trophy hunting spot.

Right now the Dells and Petenwell areas are open and producing right now, we'll keep you posted on the rest as spring sets in. Keep checking in. We update as conditions dictate. If you get out, drop us a line to let us know how you did.

Stay Tuned,

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