Sunday, March 15, 2009


1.) The Rock River is open and a few fish are being caught down by Blackhawk Island. Blackhawk island road is flooded, so you'll have to use an upstream launch for now.

2.)The dells are giving up lots of fish, but its been very busy there. Plan on long waits and crowded conditions.

3.)Sections of the Fox and Wolf Rivers are opening up, we'll have more information this week in our regular report.

4.)There's still lots of ice on most local lakes, but the warm weather and rain has made the ice along the shorelines pretty week. Be careful if you are heading out.

We have a special shelf out for river walleye tackle. It's setup in the front the shop with the most important tackle items for the spring runs.


Reminder: Your fishing license expires at Midnight Sunday. Make sure you update it before heading out this week.


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